Search Services
VCU Human Resources is committed to recruiting and retaining top talent using a fair and comprehensive search process. As such, the VCU HR Executive Search team leverages sustainable talent strategies that help solidify VCU as a top-choice employer for a wide array of executive job candidates in any field. The executive search process is designed to help search committees and hiring managers identify and select a well-suited candidate who will join the university community in supporting VCU's mission, values and Quest 2028 goals.
We aim to provide consistent quality services that surpass client expectations, building trust and sustaining relationships through ethical business practices. Our innovative approach allows us to adapt to any situation, ensuring that we create world class customer service for clients and candidates through clear communication and high touch interactions.
Search & Preparation
- Conduct in-depth meetings with key stakeholders to expand our understanding of the position and the qualities of the ideal candidate to ensure the best long-term fit.
- Assist in the development of a position description, advertisement, and leadership profile
- Facilitate mapping out the full search search process and an overall timeline
- Help to identify and invite search committee
Schedule & Support Initial Meetings
- Plan for and support search chair in preparing for and leading all search committee meetings
- Provide clear and organized search materials (position description, timeline, confidentiality statement, etc.) to the search chair and committee
- Convey expectations for the search, including roles and responsibilities and confidentiality
Targeted Outreach & Screening
- Serve as the primary interface for prospective and active applicants
- Source candidates: Research positions; build pools; contact sourced candidates and referrals
- Conduct pre-screening interviews with candidates meeting minimum qualifications
Candidate Review & Selection
- After conducting an initial screening, help lead the committee in determining which applicants advance
- Provide search committee with detailed information on qualified candidates
- For screening interviews: lead the development of interview questions and evaluation tools; Schedule and lead interviews
- For on-campus interviews: Work with search chair and hiring authority to identify stakeholders that candidates need to meet during on-site interviews and create presentation topics; create itineraries and assist with such logistics as VCU room arrangements, hotels, air, candidate escort, etc.
Search Conclusion
- Provide all stakeholders involved in search with a feedback form, provide hiring manager with results
- Notify non-selected candidates
- Help facilitate communication to announce the hire
Contact Us
For questions or more information, contact the Executive Search team at