Career communities at VCU

Career communities are made up of employees across the university who are doing similar work or have similar career interests. These groups are designed to connect regularly to network, strengthen competencies, promote innovation, and share best practices. Career communities are established around the VCU job family structure. Employees interested in learning about a particular career are welcome to participate in the relevant career community or participate in the establishment of a new career community, as VCU career communities continue to emerge.

How are career communities formed?

A transition team made up of job family members leads the creation of each career community. This transition team works collectively for two to three months to develop the community and identify what type of programs to offer career community members. The team will develop the structure, committee roles, bylaws, mission, vision and initial program opportunities for the community. Following that, the team will hold elections for positions on the leadership board. Voting is open to the entire job family, which means the community is elected by and coordinated by its peers.

Contact Us

For questions or more information about career communities, contact career development at