Nominations Now Open!

The nomination form is now open. The deadline for submission of completed nominations is March 7, 2025. 

Before submitting a nomination, we encourage you to review the Dorris Douglas Budd sample nomination form to familiarize yourself with the questions and requirements. Please note that the form must be completed and submitted in one session, as you cannot save your progress. Reviewing the form in advance will help ensure your submission is thorough and complete.

Dorris Douglas Budd Award

Established in 1981, the Dorris Douglas Budd Award is named for a staff member who worked in the office of the Vice President of Administration from 1951 to 1981. Mrs. Budd, who passed away in 2009 at the age of 90, inspired this award. It honors a VCU or VCU Health administrative office support staff member who demonstrates exemplary performance. and enhances the image and mission of VCU and VCU Health. 

Nomination Criteria and Eligibility

  • This award recognizes a full-time administrative support staff who is reliable, able to evaluate and solve problems, is innovative in their jobs, knows where to find answers within internal and external "connections", is service-oriented, shows pride in both VCU/VCU Health and their job, and has demonstrated professional growth. 
  • Typical eligible job titles for University and Academic Professionals include Assistant and Coordinator titles. 
  • Typical eligible job titles for Classified employees include eligible administrative job titles in pay bands 1-4. 
  • An employee who was nominated in a previous year, but was not chosen as the award winner, may be nominated again. However, a new nomination and new supporting documentation must be submitted.


  • Nominations may be submitted by any employee of VCU or VCU Health who has a thorough knowledge of the candidate's strengths and accomplishments
  • Individuals may not nominate themselves
  • Individuals may not nominate a family member, spouse, or partner

2023 Award Winner

Harris Middleton, Department of Family Medicine

2023 Nominees

  • Jewel Anderson, Nursing Administration
  • Cathy Brewster, Massey Cancer Center
  • Melissa Burton, VP Health Sciences
  • Valerie Cella, Neurosurgery
  • Janelle Fortes, Department of Surgery
  • Dwight Henry, Neurosurgery
  • Harris Middleton, Department of Family Medicine
  • Paula Oakley, Acute Care Surgery
  • Kristen Schultheis, Student Success
  • Jamie Taylor, Graduate School
  • Mary Tucker, Rehabilitation Counseling