Nominations Open Now!

The nomination form is now open. The deadline for submission of completed nominations is March 7, 2025. 

Before submitting a nomination, we encourage you to review the 2024-2025 sample nomination form to familiarize yourself with the questions and requirements. Please note that the form must be completed and submitted in one session, as you cannot save your progress. Reviewing the form in advance will help ensure your submission is thorough and complete.

President's Awards for Professional and Administrative Distinction

In 2013, VCU established the President's Awards for Professional and Administrative Distinction. Through these awards, the Office of the President honors exceptional members of the VCU and VCU Health System community for outstanding performance, achievement and service excellence.

President's Award of Excellence

  • This award is the highest honor we can bestow upon an employee and it recognizes one exceptional person who exhibits leadership, uses innovative, creative, and/or problem-solving approaches to their responsibilities, embraces change, values diversity, has given extraordinary service and support, and made significant contributions to VCU or the VCU Health System throughout their career. The recipient will receive $4,000 and a beautiful crystal award. 

President's Outstanding Achievement Award

  • This award recognizes up to two people who have exceeded their peers in accomplishing exceptional achievements, leadership and contributions that have resulted in significant benefits to the university or health system within the realm of the employees' job. Each recipient will receive $3,000 and a beautiful crystal award. 

The Danny Woodward Service Excellence Award

  • Awardees exceed expectations by demonstrating outstanding service to students, patients, colleagues and other customers of VCU and VCU Health and display a positive attitude even under the most difficult of circumstances. They build strong relationships and resolve concerns in a positive and sensitive manner. This award is named in memory of Danny Woodward, former executive director of executive communications, who died of brain cancer in 2021. Danny embodied the spirit of this award, always positive in his work with faculty, staff and students across the university and health system to advance the institution and its people. Danny was especially committed to supporting the professional development of staff and building an equitable and inclusive environment for everyone. This award recognizes up to two people and each recipient will receive $2,000 and a beautiful crystal award.

Nomination Criteria and Eligibility

  • Any VCU or VCU Health employee may be nominated for these awards.
  • An employee who was nominated in a previous year, but was not chosen as the award winner, may be nominated again. However, a new nomination and new supporting documentation must be submitted.


  • Nominations may be submitted by any employee of VCU or VCU Health who has a thorough knowledge of the candidate's strengths and accomplishments
  • Individuals may not nominate themselves
  • Individuals may not nominate a family member, spouse, or partner