Yes, we know it can feel like a hassle sometimes - but standardized forms ensure that we capture all the necessary information to assist you with important employment-related actions. Forms for VCU employees are listed by category below.
The following forms may be used to report an illness or injury for workers’ compensation. For questions regarding workers' compensation, enter an HR support request ticket or contact us at or (804) 828-1533.
Accident Report Form (DocuSign Version)
Physician Selection Form (DocuSign version)
Blue Cross Blue Shield Global Core International Claim (PDF)
Blue View Vision Out-of-Network Claim (PDF)
Flexible Spending Account (FSA) Claim Form
Employee Health Documentation Request (Word)
Health Benefits and Flexible Spending Enrollment 2024-2025 (PDF)
Health Benefits and Flexible Spending Enrollment 2024-2025 (Espanol)
Health Benefits and Flexible Spending Enrollment 2024-2025 (DocuSign version)
Deferred Compensation VRS Retirement One Time Deferral (PDF)
Election of Retirement Plan (PDF)
Election of Retirement Plan (DocuSign)
Employee Certification Form for Purchase of VRS Service Credit (PDF)
Health Benefits and Flexible Spending Enrollment (Docusign)
Optional Retirement Plan (PDF)
Optional Retirement Plan (ORP) Vendor Change (PDF)
Optional Retirement Plan (ORP) Vendor Change (DocuSign)
TDA Auto Enroll Opt-out Form (PDF)
TDA Auto Enroll Opt-out Form (DocuSign)
Virginia Retirement System Defined Contribution Plans
Virginia Retirement System (VRS) Forms