Flexible work arrangements

The university recognizes that flexible work arrangements (FWA) are an important part of being a Great Place to work. FWAs provide employees with the flexibility to be successful on and off of the VCU campus.

All approved FWAs will remain in effect unless the manager determines there is a performance or business need for a change to the FWA. Managers are encouraged to discuss existing FWAs during the performance review process. Managers should provide advanced notice to an employee if the existing FWA will be altered.

For classified employee telework information, scroll to the bottom of this page and click the "telework for classified staff" dropdown box.

FWA Considerations

Managers and employees should try to think as creatively as possible about how to accommodate employee schedule needs while balancing the strategic and business priorities of the unit. Managers implementing flexible work arrangements, particularly in a remote or hybrid remote environment, should keep several things in mind:

  • Seek first to understand employee needs, then develop solutions relevant to the employee's situation
  • Focus on the unique needs of specific groups of workers without creating a second class of workers and without engaging in unlawful disparate treatment or disparate impact discrimination
  • Broadly communicate the benefits of flexible work arrangements to all employees; do not assume to know or understand an employee’s needs for flexibility during this time
  • Use the tools available for effective performance management, including the new check-in function in Talent@VCU for university employees and classified staff

One of the many advantages of working at VCU is the quality of our work/life balance. While numerous factors contribute to a positive working environment, a major benefit is flexible work arrangements (FWAs). FWAs allow flexibility in work schedules so staff are better able to balance their work and home life while still meeting the needs of the university and supporting an engaged living, learning and working environment.

FWA options outlined below are designed to balance the need to support the university mission and in-person experience, the unique needs of each school/college and department, various roles and job requirements, and well-being and equity for all university staff. While these guidelines provide operational parameters, they offer a variety of flexible options up to and including hybrid and remote working arrangements for eligible positions.

Supervisors are encouraged to support FWAs. The guidelines contained in this section set forth important factors that should be considered before an employee may be eligible for an FWA. 

The reality is that to support the in-person experience, the experience that our students expect and need from VCU, most of us must work on-campus in some capacity. However, we fully expect that some employees will work solely on-campus while others may work predominantly remotely. We have learned a great deal about what our workforce can accomplish and it is important not to limit that innovation and flexibility to times of crisis. 

These guidelines are an opportunity for VCU to refine and improve our previous approaches to workplace flexibility. They emphasize close collaboration at the local level.

Developing flexible work arrangements