Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging

Diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging (DEIB) is at the heart of VCU’s mission, and forms a key pillar of Quest 2028 goals and the Culture of Care and AppreciationTo learn more about university-wide efforts to create and sustain a diverse, equitable and inclusive community where everyone thrives, visit the Office of Inclusive Excellence.

VCU HR is committed to DEIB, and provides or supports the following programs and services that move us toward our shared goal of a VCU where everyone feels welcomed, accepted and valued. All perspectives are necessary, and learning from each other’s lived experiences improves the lives of all.

This work is ever-evolving and this list is not comprehensive. We will continue to work toward creating a more inclusive environment for all, and will continually update this page with additional information.

Age-Friendly University

VCU is part of the Age-Friendly University (AFU) Global Network. In creating an age-friendly university, VCU commits to cultivating a more age-inclusive environment where adults across the lifespace feel welcome, included, and a sense of belonging.

This effort manifests in the human resources space through our commitment to unbiased recruitment, hiring and promotion practices, as well as our commitment to a Culture of Care and Appreciation for all members of our VCU workforce regardless of age.

Call Me By My Name

One of the ways that we make inclusion real is by recognizing that individuals have the right to use names other than their legal name. VCU uses the language of “name of use,” to recognize that everyone has the right to use the name they choose without having to explain or justify that decision.

Wherever possible, VCU HR will refer to individuals by their name of use. However, employees have information records feeding several systems that require use of a legal name, including but not limited to the IRS, immigration, and health and retirement benefits systems.

More Information: Call Me By My Name
Contact: HR Professional

Employees with Disabilities

Virginia Commonwealth University recognizes that employees with disabilities bring an extraordinary array of skills and training to the workplace, and we are committed to helping employees with disabilities grow and develop in their careers at VCU.

VCU Resources

Other Resources

Equity and Access Services

Equity and Access Services provides accommodations and support to individuals with disabilities across the VCU campus. Service include:

  • Consulting with employees and their managers about the accommodations process. 
  • Providing ADA accommodations.
  • Coordinating with VCU departments to provide access to university programs, activities, services, and facilities.
  • Coordinating with Web Services on accessibility of VCU webpages.
  • Providing education and training on ADA-related topics.
  • Reviewing grievance policies and procedures related to access and ADA.

Contact: equity@vcu.edu

Interfaith Cultural Calendar

The VCU interfaith cultural calendar lists holidays celebrated by various world religions, to help individuals avoid creating work and event related conflicts with important days of worship. Holidays marked with an asterisk (*) typically begin and end at sundown on the dates listed.

Add the interfaith holiday calendar to your Google Calendar:

  • Open Google Calendar in your browser
  • On the left side next to where it says "Other Calendars", click the plus sign (+), then click "Subscribe to calendar"
  • In the "Add calendar" search box, type in "culturecal@vcu.edu"
  • Click on the calendar name, and it will be added as an option that you can toggle on and off under Other Calendars on your Google Calendar

Contact: culturecal@vcu.edu 

HR & Leadership Support

VCU HR provides guidance about human resource management actions to human resources staff, managers and employees across the university. In all areas of human resources, we promote equitable and fair treatment of all employees regardless of identity and actively seek to diversify our university community. One example is our DEI sourcing resources guide, which compiles diversity-specific advertising opportunities for open positions.

The HR UNity team is a group of HR staff across the university focused on creating awareness and sharing informative data with HR Professionals and leadership. More information coming soon about their efforts and outcomes.



VCU is a Safe Zone. The purpose of Safe Zone is to reduce homophobia and heterosexism, thereby making our campus a safer and freer environment for all members of our community regardless of sexual orientation. Support and learning resources for LGBTQIA+ individuals and allies are available across VCU and the Richmond area. 

Local Resources

VCU Resources

  • VCU Libraries provides health care resource guides for providers and individuals.
  • Equality VCU is a networking and advocacy committee for LGBTQIA+ and ally faculty/staff. The group hosts monthly meetings. Learn more by signing up for the listserv.


Virginia Commonwealth University recognizes that veterans bring an extraordinary array of skills and training to the workplace. VCU is dedicated to being an employer of choice for veterans, military spouses, and their families.

VCU is committed to helping veterans grow and develop in their careers at VCU. Veterans’ preference will be afforded to eligible individuals for both faculty and staff positions. This preference applies for initial employment, subsequent employment, promotions and competitive transfers. VCU also offers faculty and University and Academic Professionals enhanced leave accrual rates based on verified service.

VCU Resources

Other Resources

Well-being For All

Virginia Commonwealth University strives to create a workplace that promotes whole person well-being for all individuals and identities. Well-being resources and activities are inclusive of all types of ability and engagement preferences. 

VCU Resources